
I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer (papillary carcinoma) in September 2010. I chose to forgo the conventional surgery to remove the tumor and thyroid, instead using natural and spiritual methods to realize my healing. This is an account of my journey with the hope of encouraging others to heal from the inside out.

My goal is to let go of all fear around the tumor, my thyroid, and cancer. I believe that if I canĀ know that I am healed, I will be healed. My experience must follow my beliefs.

The entries in the category “Background Story” are simply that– a story. They are my experience in the first 2+ years of having thyroid cancer. I am including them here to show my progression from full fear to less fear and eventually (not yet) to no fear.

Please keep in mind (particularly in the bad parts) that this is my story. It’s not your story, and it’s not a definitive story about cancer. We are all in charge of creating our own experiences. Cancer is a big smokescreen showing us that we are something that we are not. I am doing my best to see through the smoke of my story to the truth about my Self, which is also our Self. I hope you will too.